Booster News
Athletic Booster Scholarship
7.0 years ago
The North Athletic Boosters will be offering at least one (1) scholarship of $500 this upcoming year.
Qualifications of the student are the following:
- participate in at least one (1) varsity sport
- be in good academic standing
- be furthering their education
- volunteer for two (2) shifts at a Booster event during senior year
If your student is interested, have them sign up at
Use this link:
NHSN Booster Volunteer Opportunities
Here are additional details for FAQs:
Nashua High School North
Athletic Booster Scholarship
Information Sheet
- Who is Eligible for the Nashua HS North Athletic Booster Scholarship?
Any Nashua HS North Senior who participated in one varsity sport their senior year, was accepted to attend an accredited secondary educational, military or trade institution, and volunteered at 2 Booster events (2 hours per event maximum).
- How do I volunteer for Booster Events?
Opportunities for volunteering will be posted, the link will be available through the Booster page on the NHSN Athletic webpage. At this time only seniors can volunteer to earn credits toward the scholarship.
- Is there a GPA requirement?
Applying students must be academically eligible to participate in NHSN Athletics
- Do I have to plan to be a college athlete?
This scholarship is not dependent on your desire to be a college athlete
- How many scholarships will be awarded?
At least one $500 scholarship will be awarded annually to a graduating senior –
NHSN Athletic Boosters plans to offer as many scholarships as our fundraising allows
- When and how do I apply?
The application will be available in spring 2018 in the Athletic Office, Guidance, and on the NHSN Booster webpage. Applications are due May 15, 2018 – there will be no extensions
- Is there any way to ask questions?
Students can see Mrs. Lynn in B3 Guidance or
Meeting Schedule
8.0 years ago
Please join us for the next Booster's Club gathering on Wednesday, October 23. We'll be in the Athletic Department Conference Room beginning at 6:30 p.m. and we usually only meet about an hour. All are welcome!
We hope to see you there!